26 September 2005

If you could, would you? (Part 1)

If you could fly, what would you do? I mean if you had the power of flight... Take, for example, birds. Not any old birds though, I'm talking about seagulls and ducks. You know how they sometimes will fly around in the air (duh, where else would they fly, Adam?) and randomly crap on people? Well, if you could fly, would you randomly crap on flocks of seagulls? I probably would. It would look pretty funny if anyone on the ground saw you, but I think it'd be worth it.

Or how about magpies? They seem to get immense joy out of harrassing us land-dwellers, swooping down on us and sometimes stealing our "shiney things". To be honest, I'd probably do the same thing. It'd be so much fun doing dives and barrel rolls in mid-air, and then catching a set of keys in your mouth, only to deposit it a few hundred yards away from where I got it from. So much fun...

Or, if you wanted to completely abuse your power of flight, would you fly around rich neighbourhoods and pool dive? Or maybe crap on the bonnet of their expensive cars? Or watch as they sunbathed nude? That's taking it a bit to the extreme, and not something I would do, but the option is there.

Or would you use your powers for something good, like solving crimes, or transporting people around the world for free, on your back? All they'd have to pay for would be a meal to keep your stamina up, and you'd get to see the world! That's what I'd do. I'd just travel around the world whenever and wherever I wanted, my backpack in tow. I could be the first person to climb Mount Everest in under twenty minutes!


Gabrielle said...

I always have dreams that I am flying- or at least that I am doing these giant leap things like that jackalope on the beginning of the Incredibles...apparently it means something in dream analysis but I can't remember what now...

I would fight crime and be a paid courier.

Captain M said...

I would fly to a secret island and nobody would ever see me again. Yes yes yes!

bobalobadobafob said...

I wish I had a teleporter.

Gabrielle said...

Tam you can borrow mine