08 September 2005

I do not know everything.

I'm going to get a t-shirt made that says "I Work At A Juice Bar, Not An Information Desk". At least eight times a day when I work at Tank I get people coming up and asking me where this or that store is, or where they can buy lottery tickets, or stamps, or if they are as dumb as they look.

Case in point an elderly gentleman just came up and asked me where he could buy some bread to feed the birds. I pointed to the GIGANTIC BRIGHT YELLOW SUPERMARKET DIRECTLY BEHIND THE TANK STORE!!! For some reason he still couldn't comprehend what I'd just said, and asked if they sold bread there.

I must need a vacation, or at least some time off on a tropical island, to get my head back in the the "I love humanity" mode that I generally am in. Preferably there would be hula girls there...

1 comment:

bobalobadobafob said...

I hear ya Adam. I too am a phone book and a map directory for a rival cinema complex. Go figure!