18 September 2005

Bend it like Blogger.

That great British film of a few years ago "Bend It Like Beckham" is on television right now. I can't help but wonder if that great British football star David Beckham gets royalties from the producers of the movie for using his name in the title. I don't even think they use his name in the actual script, but he's in the title, so surely he's entitled to some sort of cash settlement... Not that he needs it.

Also on television right now is that doyen of reality tv "Growing Up Gotti". It features the Gotti family, of the famed modern-day mafia variety. Does a high profile mafia family really need more money by selling themselves into the worst thing that has ever happened to television (I'm talking the reality type)? And how come one of the richest families in the USofA has such horrible taste in everything? Their house looks like it's made of plastic and came out of a bad Eighties movie, as does their fashion and plastic surgery sense.

Speaking of bad taste, I watched "World's Wildest Police Chases" earlier on television. My main problem with this program is that it's in fact "America's Wildest Police Chases", and not the World's.

I just peaked up from the compter monitor and saw a Gotti family member with a mullet. WHAT THE HELL?!?

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