03 August 2005

Pants, Pants, Pants!

I did something a little bit crazy a couple days ago. I bought new underpants. Four sets of them, actually. I won't call them "pairs" of underpants, because to me a pair of underpants would be two seperate sets. So I bought four seperate sets, or two pairs.

They are quite nice, too. I bought them on sale, for a mere five dollars each. Normally they range in price (when not on sale) between 19.99 and 36.99! 36.99 you ask in disgust??!! Yes, I reply, 36.99! Now, if anyone out there can explain to me why they would spend that amount of money on a set of undies, and actually justify it in a reasonable way, then please go ahead. Don't get me wrong, they ARE nice undies, and I'm actually wearing them now. It's just that there's no way in holy hell I would consider paying that ridiculous amount of money on one set of underpants.

So I bought one of dark grey, one dark navy blue (almost black, the 36.99 pair), and two sets of sort of blue/green ones. I'm super stoked to have some new undies, especially since I bought them for a steal. Usually I get my undies as part of my Xmas stocking, but since I don't know when I'm going to be home next, I don't know when Santa will be delivering me some new ones.

Besides, five years with the same undies is getting a little bit ridiculous, isn't it?

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