24 May 2007

First "official" day off! Woohoo!

Now that I'm a working man, I can officially declare that today is my first "day off". Oh, did I not tell you that I'm a workin' man again? Yeah, I'm a workin' man. I have obtained gainful employment here in Vancouver, and I'm happy for it. It's going to be good to have a steady routine, especially one that provides me with a paycheque.

I've been amazed at the weather here in Vancouver. On my first day of work I actually got a sunburn! Yes, it has been very nice indeed, and I'm sure it's only going to continue. I had come to this city with the impression that it rained more than it didn't, but so far this hasn't been the case. Looks like another beauty today!

My chores for my day off are the following:

-Visit the Honda dealership down the road and enquire about buying/leasing a scooter.
-Visit Marks Work Wearhouse and have a look at steel toed boots.
-Visit Canadian Tire and purchase a staplegun.
-Use said staple gun to put up colourful Xmas lights on the porch.
-Go to beach and lay in sun.

As you can see, I'm using my days off to the fullest.

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