30 October 2005

Two T-shirts, a Haircut, and a Stir-Fry...

Hello again, and welcome back! The far north was beautiful, beautiful I tells ya! I really wish Geoff and I still had our van and that we had more time to spend up there. Lovely beaches, little undiscovered coves, friendly people... Very nice indeed.

I'm in Auckland now, New Zealand's largest city. Lots of people say that Auckland is full of JAFAs (if you're in the know, you know) and that it's too busy and bustling. Frankly, I'm enjoying myself. I bet it would be different if I was working here and had to contend with traffic and expenses and everything else that comes with big city living, but right now I'm enjoying myself.

Yesterday my friend Calesta took me on a "Tiki Tour", which as far as I can make out is just a little day tour of wherever you happen to go. It has nothing to do with tikis at all. My day started with a hair cut, which was probably well overdue. I have to say that John the Immigrant Iranian did a fine job. After this I met Calesta and we had a picnic lunch on North Head. North Head has all these cool underground tunnels that were built during the war, and they are now open to the public for shitty little kids to graffitti their tags all through. It's quite interesting, actually. After exploring the tunnels we drove to a place called Takapuna where I purchased two new plain t-shirts to replace two others that I didn't wear anymore. I'm very pleased with the new ones. Plus they were only $10 for both, which in my mind is a bargain! Calesta and I then grabbed a juice and drove over to Mission Bay and the Domain. Next it was off to have dinner at her place where she cooked me a nice vegetable stir-fry, and home by 10.30. I was pretty tired from not sleeping the night before, but I had a great sleep last night. Thus the Tiki Tour was completed.

As far as Tiki Tours go, it was the best one I've ever known to have been on.

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