12 March 2007

Nearing the Century. Sorry.

Hi there! Welcome back! Good to see you again. It sure has been a while...

I'm saying this more to myself than anyone, really. It's been a few weeks since I was last on here, and to be honest not that much has happened. It seems like time is sort of standing still here for the moment. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm having a good time... It's just that not much of note has happened since last I was on.

Okay, I had a great night at our staff party last week, where I got really drunk, laughed a lot, and had a great night. Okay, so the weather is really warming up here and today I got a bit of sun on my "Robert Smith" face. Okay, so I've sent away all my transcripts for school and am working hard at getting my portfolio together...

Hmm. Seems there's been a bit more going on than I thought. Sorry. I'll try to be a little bit more diligent here. Sorry blogger. Sorry blogger readers (if there's any still out there).

I'm off to an early spring barbeque, so I've got to cut this short. Sorry. This is post #96 for me. Only four more until I hit the century mark. Keep your eyes pealed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done. Peeled.