22 March 2007

Good news!

Good news, everyone! I went to the post office today and got a letter from Thompson Rivers University, in Kamloops, about my application. It turns out that I can transfer over 18 credits from my days back in Fanshawe College! Pretty good, eh? Of course, this is all contingent on if I get in to Thompson Rivers University. The program I applied for there is called Digital Art & Design, or DAAD for short. This is pretty encouraging news, especially as DAAD is my second choice program behind Capilano College's IDEA program.

Things are moving along, and my portfolio is done. I just have to type up some words to accompany it and I'll be off to the races! Next stop educationville!


Slitely Askew said...

Good news indeed! Way to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

That is such great news!!! I'm glad to heard things are moving along! Keep us updated. Hope to see you soon. Amy :)