04 January 2006

Happy 2nd Xmas!

Just wanted to say thanks to my older brother Jamie for his gift this holiday season. I finally managed to get out and spend your gift certificate, which I used to purchase a pair of nice slacks and a nice button-up shirt. With any luck my new look will land me a job soon. I've also got $2.odd left on the gift card! How exciting!

Things are going well back here in Canadia. I've been hanging out with friends, prepping myself for the upcoming serious job hunt, relaxing and enjoying being back in my homeland... Over-all it's been good. I'm eager to get working and making some money, but I've been making some contacts with people that are in the fields that I'm looking, so you never know what might happen.

In other exciting news, tomorrow night is the weekly meeting of the London Camera Club, which I am going to attend all by my lonesome (or so it looks at the moment). I'm trying to cover all bases as I attempt to build a career as a photographer (eventually), or at least I'll be able to get in the habit and desire of wanting to go out and photograph.

Sweet as, bro! Churr!

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