24 January 2006

A second dark age descends...

Some of you may know, some of you may be clueless, and some of you might have followed it with vim and vigour. I'm here to break the bad news...

Canada now has a new Conservative Prime Minister in StePHen Harper. Over the past eight weeks the political trail has pointed towards a Conservative near-landslide, but I'm happy to announce that they only gained a minority government. The previously-in-power Liberals had run, in my mind, a poor campaign to try and stay in office, and the Conservatives didn't really look like they were going to have any trouble come yesterday. However, it's a tale of the power of Liberal supporters that the Tories only managed a minority government, even after all the scandals and rip-roarin' good times the Liberals had during their twelve year tenure.

Personally I think the next four years of Conservative power will be an interesting one. I'm not a conservative, and there's a fat chance that hell will freeze over before I'm dead, but this might just kick Canada back into the forefront of world politics. Actually, let me revise that: AFTER the tories get voted out at the next election in four years Canada might be back at the forefront of world politics.

There's a pretty good chance that StePHen Harper and the Conservatives will turn back Canada's clock and try to ban gay marriage again, they'll probably turn their backs on the Kyoto Treaty, they will surely try to fix relations with G-Dub's American Machine, and the argument for medicinal marijuana use will be put even further on the back-burner.

..."Oh Canada, our home and native lan"... Have a great four years!

1 comment:

Captain M said...

At least Winston Peters won't "not" be a part of that government.