11 July 2007

Stranger Than Fiction.

I've watched two movies recently that I'd like to recommend to all out there. The first is a recent Will Ferrell vehicle called "Stranger Than Fiction". Seriously, go rent this movie. From what I understand it's a bit of an older one, but very good. It's great to see him in more of a serious role for once, and he pulls it off with aplomb.

The second film is called "Tideland". It is director Terry Gilliam's latest offering, and seriously messed up. Kind of depressing in a way, but that's mainly in the way of the subject matter that it's tackling. Visually it's very interesting, and very much in the veign of a Terry Gilliam film. Rent it if you want your mind to be twisted (Myles, go rent it).

Also, I've just purchased the Austin Powers Trilogy on dvd. I was wrestling between this and the Matrix Trilogy, and decided this was the better buy. What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

matrix trilogy sucks. the first one was good, but plummeted severely after that.
good purchase bro.