19 April 2007

Crap Crap Crap!

I just called Capilano College to ask about my portfolio submission and when it has to be in by, and found out that I can't submit it on disk, which was my original plan. It seems I have to have a physical folder-type portfolio, which means having to go out, spend $25 on a folder, another $10 on print outs that need to be done, and then petrol to drive it down to the college by the due date next wednesday.


On the plus side it's a real kick in the pants to get it done and in order, which I suppose is a good thing. I feel like I've been a bit complacent lately, and not being as (mentally) active as I could be. Hopefully this is the boost I need.


Anonymous said...

Get off your arse fat bastard! And stop eating all those pies - those extra kilos look really gross on you Adam.... X Sarah

Anonymous said...

do you not have automatic taxex paid with your wages in canada, or is some weird tax thing??? mel