25 April 2007

The hand of God.

Well, two days ago I dropped off my portfolio with my school of choice, Capilano College. Now I sit back and wait. In the end, I'm actually pretty pleased with how things turned out, and would be pretty disappointed if I didn't AT LEAST get a call to come in for an interview. They said I should hear by the end of next week. Now the waiting game...

Tomorrow a friend and I have mildly planned on doing an apparently strenuous walk called the "Grouse Grind". Unfortunately the MAN is calling for rain for the next three days, which means that the Grind might be called off in favour of sitting around, watching movies, and gorging on ice cream and sweets. It's all about extremes.

Ciao for now.

19 April 2007

Crap Crap Crap!

I just called Capilano College to ask about my portfolio submission and when it has to be in by, and found out that I can't submit it on disk, which was my original plan. It seems I have to have a physical folder-type portfolio, which means having to go out, spend $25 on a folder, another $10 on print outs that need to be done, and then petrol to drive it down to the college by the due date next wednesday.


On the plus side it's a real kick in the pants to get it done and in order, which I suppose is a good thing. I feel like I've been a bit complacent lately, and not being as (mentally) active as I could be. Hopefully this is the boost I need.

17 April 2007

In a van, down by the river, no more!

Well it seems that dreams DO sometimes come true.

The good folk at 2309 Trafalgar Avenue in Kitsilano have decided, after sifting through some 90 emails and interviewing a dozen or so downtrodden souls, that I am the chosen one. I will be Dave, James, and Narelle's newest (and, without being too modest, bestest) roommate. I'm very excited. I move in May 1th. Beers are on me tonight, guys!

I've ordered some cheques from the bank so that I can pay rent, and tomorrow i'm going to H&R Block to get my taxes done. Please please please deem me worthy of a return! My visa isn't going to pay ITSELF off, you know!

Game four of the Canucks/Stars first round playoff tonight. Should be a good'un.

16 April 2007

It was the best of time...

What a beautiful day it was yesterday here in springtime Vancouver. Bright sun, little wind, a few clouds speckling the sky... And there I was, walking around in SHORTS in the middle of APRIL, while eastern Canada and the USandA gets pounded by a freak spring storm. Sorry guys, but I think I made the right choice in moving out here.

Today, though, it's raining. It's been raining since this morning, and isn't showing signs of letting up for the rest of the day. Hey, as long as I get those nice beautiful days where people come out of the woodwork to sit on cafe patios, wearing sunglasses and summer gear, I'm happy. This rain makes those sorts of days THAT much sweeter.

So I've joined Facebook. I bought in and I think I can see myself getting hooked. I stayed away for so long, and now I'm a convert. Saying that, it could still be what I predicted before: something I'll get into for a couple months, then forget about. Only time will tell.

I've got an appointment to do my taxes with the good folk at H&R Block on wednesday at 2pm. Hopefully it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg, and DOUBLE hopefully I won't have to pay anything back. 'Cause that would suck. Lots.

13 April 2007

The Big City, part 1.

Upon arrival to my new hometown, I got stuck in traffic for an hour. This was still 35kms outside the city! Quite a change from small town life in the mountains, where the population is less than the number of people at the bar I went to the other night. Crazy stuff...

Anyway, it's an exciting time to be here. The Canucks are in the playoffs, and the first night I was here was game one of the series. I met up with a friend of mine and we went out to drink some beer, eat some food, and join in the revelry. Good times, aside from the next morning, that is.

This is a beautiful place, and to shake off our hangovers we went down to the Kitsilano beach and walked the dogs. I couldn't believe I was in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, walking on a beach beside the ocean with the city skyline and glorious mountains in the background. What a scene.

Surprise surprise, it's raining today. Two days of nice weather here, though, and it's supposed to be a great weekend. Happy times!

09 April 2007

Game Over. Adios.

The Winter Of Adam is over. Begin The Summer Of Adam.

It's all over now, baby blue. In twelve hours I'll be leaving Rossland via the 3b highway to Kamloops. A further 36 hours and I'll be in Vancouver, dining at one of it's many fine restaurants.

So long, and thanks for all the fish, Rossland.

I love you (you know who).

05 April 2007

53 to 49 for a day.

Welcome to post number 99! Or as I like to call it, the "Wayne".

Things are definitely coming to an end here, folks. April 5th, I'm afraid to say, and in a few days I'll be leaving Rossland. I wouldn't say forEVER, but for now at least. I'm looking forward to getting to Vancouver, the big city, and sorting out this school business. I've also got to do my taxes. Sheesh...

Yesterday a group of seven of us got together and drove down to a ski hill in Washington State called 49North. It was a good day, although we had some trouble getting across the border. Those damned Australians and their visa issues! The hill was nice and cruisy, and the drive was great. The only down side was finishing the day at a barn of a casino filled with smoking fatties and mulleted women. All in all, though, I'll remember the good times and not the fatties.

Bring on the summer of Adam!