28 February 2006

May I have your attention PLEASE!!

Hello all (or rather, the few that read this). First off, I would like to draw your attention to a couple weblogs that I have discovered. A fairly popular Canadian comedian/polital commentator named Rick Mercer (www.rickmercer.blogspot.com) has, at first glance, a rather funny weblog. Of course, there is no way for me to verify whether or not it actually IS Rick Mercer, or just some crazy man thinking that he's Rick Mercer, but it's funny all the same. Also, I cannot verify that this next weblog is written by the stated author, but MC Hammer (www.mchammer.blogspot.com) apparently is involved in the blogging community. Check it out, if you dare!

So, now that I have introduced you to something new, let's get onto the meat and potatoes. I don't know how many people noticed, but the Canadian Men's Hockey Team lost in the quarter-finals of the Winter Olympics. For those that don't know, that means they went without a medal. WITHOUT A MEDAL!! Yeesh...

Anyhow, Canada ended up third on the medal table anyway, one behind the mighty USofA. Of course, had we won a medal in the men's hockey, we would have tied them. Luckily they didn't win a medal in the men's hockey either. But as a nation we are more than happy with our medal count of 24. This is the most we have ever won in the tournament, which is outstanding.

Deeper and darker, I am still unemployed, and prospects do not look to be getting any better. Maybe I'm limiting myself, maybe I'm not allowing myself to experience new things because of my bias towards them. Who knows? At any rate I know that something will come along in due time, and I can't allow myself to get down about my lack of income. Sometimes it's hard, but things will look up. I have to believe they will...

Later, douche-mouth.


Captain M said...

I might not have seen any hockey but I watched the Canadian women's curling team EVERY TIME THEY PLAYED! THEY WON BRONZE!

Anonymous said...

frog bark rat tit!

Gabrielle said...

You wanna somehow create a business and make millions adam? I too have no idea was the HELL i am doing with my life?!!?!? Come on, we could be HUGE!

Anonymous said...

Give yourself a kick up the bum Adam. You live in a prosperous nation and you've got a brain and good looks. You don't have HIV and live in a drought stricken region of Africa. You don't have to live under a military dictatorship. Grab the future before it runs away!