12 February 2006

Have you caught the fever?

Ahh, my favourite time of every four years has arrived. Ladies and gentlemen, let "The Games" begin!

Yes, that's right, the winter Olympics have started, as I'm sure you are all aware. Officially today is the second day of action. Already Canada has secured one gold medal in the freestyle moguls, and the women's hockey team has trounced Italy 16-0. As I type this the same team is now outscoring Russia (RUSSIA!!) 12-0. On the hockey front the rest of the world might look like it will have a little trouble with this event. In three days time the men's hockey team starts their gold medal run with an opening game against (uh-oh) Italy. I have to say I'm feeling pretty good about this one...

The winter Olypics, in my mind, are much better than the summer Olympics. I mean, does the summer Olympics have an event where you blast head-first down a giant ice slide at 150km/h? NO! Does the summer Olympics have ballroom dancing on ice? NO! As far as I'm concerned the only thing the summer Olympics have that the winter Olympics don't is power-walking. And once the winter Olympics get power-walking on ice, well, forget about it. OH WAIT! IT ALREADY DOES! And it's called speed skating...



Captain M said...

I hope the drunk skier is there!

Gabrielle said...

i personally like the summer olympics better because they have gymnastics and gymnastic accidents.

Adam said...

The only good gymnastic accident is on the horse. Like when they run down the track, hit the trampoline wrong, and go gut-first into the front of the pommel horse? Yeah, those are the best. Especially when they get the ensuing gas explosion on tape. How embarrassing!!