10 October 2006

Fuck You Calgary.

Last night as Stephanie and I were peacefully sleeping the night away at the Days Inn here in Calgary Alberta her car was broken into. I'm guessing that it was probably some kind of addict looking for some crap to sell. Thankfully the "crap" they decided to take was ALL OF MY GOD DAMNED CAMERA EQUIPMENT!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! So not only do I not have a camera to take photos of the rest of our trip, but all the photos since Red Lake Ontario (about two weeks ago) and all the undeveloped/exposed film has been taken.

Thanks Calgary. I don't know if I'll be coming back any time soon...


Myles Legacy said...

That's the shittiest thing I think I've ever heard Adam... On the bright side, I smell a D80 around the corner as I think you'd originally planned for Christmas. I hope things pick up when you get out to Vancouver.

Anonymous said...

Calgary? Cnutgary more like.

Anonymous said...

Calgary is a waste land and full of sh*ts! I hate that place! Calgary has nothing and nothing worth to stop by! Tourists, please avoid Calgary for any reason because this city sucks!

Anonymous said...

Try not leaving expensive things in a car in a hotel parking lot. That would have got stolen in any city... Tool!

Anonymous said...

Fuck Calgary and anything in it. Greedy people, crooked politics and child pornographer everywhere.