12 May 2006

Camp me in!

Another week down the drain, and the weekend is upon me. Oh joy! It felt like a short week, too, as there was a rain day yesterday and today was nearly a rain day, with me getting off two hours earlier than usual. Not bad...

It's still raining, but boy oh boy I'm going camping this weekend! There's nothing like the first camping weekend of the summer. It brings such anticipation for the coming weekends, and what with the rain expected for this weekend all further camping outings can only get better, right? We've got the tent, the air mattress, the blankets, the stove, food, food, and more food, and a little thing called al-co-hol... What could a camping weekend be without all the essentials, right?

But I'm bringing a book, magazine, chess, board games, and other various articles to keep busy with, so it shouldn't be that bad in the end. Oh joy, not long now before my ride gets here! Bring on the bugs!!

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