23 October 2007

It's always go, go go!

I'm off to Whistler today, after just being there over the weekend. It's for work, but I always consider it a pleasure to go. Being in the mountains and fresh air, with the arrival of the winter snowboarding season around the corner, make it a beautiful atmosphere to be in. This coming weekend I have to go to Victoria for work, and again the following weekend.

It's a hard life, the jet-setting of a tent & event rental company employee...

01 October 2007

The daily dose.

Hi there. Remember me? I was given crap by my mother last night for not updating my weblog as often as I used to all those years ago, so I'm updating with some not-so-interesting-news for her benefit. Here goes:

We've been "interviewing" potential new roommates at my house as one of our current roomies is, sadly, moving back to her native New Zealand. It's been quite the process, and we've had an outstanding number and range of contestants email us. For example, we've had about 110-odd individuals apply in response to out advertisement, of which we've had approximately 15 come in for "getting to know you" chats. Of those 15 or so, one was an ex-writer for Rolling Stone magazine who's published more than two books, one person who works for eBay deleting auctions that are deemed "unworthy or against eBay policy", one person who owns a house that he doesn't want to live in (but he's going to keep the house, of course), and a whole raft of others. We've narrowed it down to three people, and will more than likely be making a decision by the end of the week.

Yesterday I started work at 4pm and didn't finish until 11.15pm.

This coming weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving, and my housemates and about twenty others have rented a chalet (pronounced "shall-ay"), in Whistler and will be having a good ol' fashioned drunken weekend away. One of my roommates is going to arrange for us to do something called the "Whistler Zip-Line", which is basically a thin wire stretched between two trees that you fly down attached by nothing more than another thin wire. Should be excitingly life threatening!

Today I am finally doing some laundry that I have been putting off because I've been so busy these past weeks. I am also planning on going for a coffee at Granville Island and reading my book, as well as doing some research on:

a) building a website for myself to showcase my photography
b) continuing education classes
c) flights home to see Neil Young in Detroit with my baby brother (oh, and visit the folks!)

Have a happy day!