16 April 2007

It was the best of time...

What a beautiful day it was yesterday here in springtime Vancouver. Bright sun, little wind, a few clouds speckling the sky... And there I was, walking around in SHORTS in the middle of APRIL, while eastern Canada and the USandA gets pounded by a freak spring storm. Sorry guys, but I think I made the right choice in moving out here.

Today, though, it's raining. It's been raining since this morning, and isn't showing signs of letting up for the rest of the day. Hey, as long as I get those nice beautiful days where people come out of the woodwork to sit on cafe patios, wearing sunglasses and summer gear, I'm happy. This rain makes those sorts of days THAT much sweeter.

So I've joined Facebook. I bought in and I think I can see myself getting hooked. I stayed away for so long, and now I'm a convert. Saying that, it could still be what I predicted before: something I'll get into for a couple months, then forget about. Only time will tell.

I've got an appointment to do my taxes with the good folk at H&R Block on wednesday at 2pm. Hopefully it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg, and DOUBLE hopefully I won't have to pay anything back. 'Cause that would suck. Lots.

1 comment:

bobalobadobafob said...

Good to hear it's all going well.
Miss you lots.